Rakista Jam 36

Last night my buddy Gerome and I headed to Inggo's Bar and Grill in Harbor Square to shoot and watch a Tribute gig for Karl Roy. Since there's Valley of Chrome and Saydie which are both great bands that I love way back when I was still a high school student are also performing, it somehow felt like a trip back to the past where I was listening with my discman (yes I was a proud owner of one) trying to contain all the angst I have in the world. The poster said that tickets are only 60 pesos ($1.33) with two free bottles of Red Horse so we couldn't resist. 

The event turned out okay but seeing some of the crowd who are just freaking kids (probably aged 15-17) drinking and asking me if they could bum my cigarettes pissed me off. I mean if they have the money to attend a gig then why the hell can't they buy their own cancer sticks. Some are worst asking if they could have our Sisig, I gave them the menacing look so they will stay the hell away from us. I know that I acted an asshole but these kids will never listen to you if you are all nice and giddy. 

Anyway let us just take all the hate away now since I got it off my chest and since that event is for the late Karl Roy who just recently passed away. Here are some of the snaps I got and nothing was edited in there but I still think that I could take even better photos than this. Well on the bright side I had my autograph and my photo with one of the hottest vox in the country holding my hand.

I'm a happy happy boy
I would just like to apologize if the Daily Photography Inspiration is getting behind, I have been pretty busy lately but will get back to it as soon as I get my shit straight. Thank you so much for your understanding. Cheers and never stop shooting!

Valley of Chrome
Valley of Chrome
Valley of Chrome
Valley of Chrome
Oblivion Beyond
Oblivion Beyond 
Oblivion Beyond
Oblivion Beyond


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