Last Saturday the city of Makati became a one big venue for music lovers and the like because of the annual Fete dela Musique. Fete dela Musique or World Music Day is a celebration of the beauty and the vastness of music. Makati avenue was closed down to traffic and became the central stage of the festival. Other music genres have their own stages like the Rock stage at Bside and the Hip Hop stage at Kyss.
Naturally I wouldn't let this big event just pass by without me documenting it but seeing that the different music stages are scattered around Makati area. I have decided to stick with the rock stage and hip hop stage plus I have this photography project that I am secretly working on.
I first headed to Bside where I thought my buddy Gerome was but we had a bit of communication mishap. So after realizing he no way near the area I just decided to wing it. Bside was packed and was extremely humid so I have just decided to go straight for the hip hop stage inside but before I leave the area I needed to take a couple of photos. Turns out that it was Nyctinasty's set and upon hearing them play I immediately change my mind into staying there (despite the heat) until they wrapped up their set.
I really like this one for some weird reason. |
After Bside I went straight to Kyss for the Hip Hop stage and also because most of my friends who attended
Fete are there. The stage had a late start but as soon as the music started pumping everyone was bobbing their heads to the beat. Emcee Anygma shared some snippets of the history of hip hop in the Philippines.
From the gritty streets of Tondo to the high rise buildings in the south, artists from different locations performed their pieces to show that hip hop is just as rich and diverse as the other genres of music.
Tempes from Tondo |
Hukbalahap from Tondo |
Jazze Manuel |
Maria and Jolo of Hifan Records |
Target from the South |
People's Future |
Now, this is the part where the stage totally went nuts because when Picoy and his crew took over the mic everyone was blown away with their sound. I even forgot to take photos because I was having a blast of seeing the real deal of local beat boxing in front of me.
Picoy Cruz assaulting the audience with his killer beat-boxing skills. |
Almost everyone went crazy even the foreign guests who where there. Picoy and his crew are giving the machines a run for its money while launching a barrage of heavy hitting beats at the same time. Things got funky after Picoy's awesome display of his beat-boxing prowess. The Mighty Miscellaneous dropped the mother load in Kyss. Their sound is like having your mom drag you down by the ear without protests to the times where hip hop was known to be funky.
DJ Umph, Switch, Delphi and D'Tech |
From start to finish I was just bobbing my head with their music and clicking the shutter at the same time. If you haven't seen them yet then you should probably check them out since they are launching their album sometime this month.
After the killer set of Miscellaneous, I decided to call it a night since I have loads of stuff to do and I haven't been getting any proper sleep during this past few days. All in all this year's Fete de la Musique was a great success from what I have witnessed because everyone was really digging it. Hopefully it would be like one big street party again. :)
Next year I'll try and visit all the stages there and probably take portraits of really interesting people. See you to the next Fete! Cheers!
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