My good friend Gerome Soriano has this one of a kind awesome photography project. His goal is to travel the Philippines and photograph it in a rather interesting style. Kite Aerial style. It all started with a video about kite aerial photography done in America which he showed me a couple of years ago and he eventually did it for his thesis paper. Fast-forward to February of 2012 he defended his paper to a panel of jurors and they were impressed with his work that they gave him a outstanding thesis award.
I have been a witness to my friend's hard work while he was building his camera rig. There were dead ends but despite all the hurdles he has manage to conquer them all and get to the top. Right now he is probably the only one or maybe one of the few kite aerial photographers in the Philippines.
As I've said his goal now is to travel the country but he needs our help. If you are interested to support his project hit the jump.
8 months ago
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