Fashion Shoot Tips and Tricks from Youtube :)


This videos taught me a lot! everything in this videos has contributed something to help me become on how I shoot now I'm still learning from it and I can say that this video tutorials are awesome. 

How to shoot at high-noon

This video somehow solves every photographers shooting nightmare scenario, shooting at high noon! Most of the people ask me why is it bad to shoot at high noon? Well it is because that the shadows on the faces are so hard that sometimes the faces look squarish aside from that the models then to squint their eyes because of the heat and let's face it who would want to shoot under the blistering heat most specially here in the Philippines.

Something about backgrounds
You thought that backgrounds are just backgrounds? Well you are quite wrong backgrounds helps to accentuate the model and like in the viedo to create contrast because it the background is just the same as the model then it will look flat and less dynamic.

Fashion shoot at the forest

One of my source for inspirations when I worked for a photo shoot for our college fashion show (Year Zero) last year. It taught me that in a photo shoot there are times that expensive equipment is never the answer for a beautiful photo. If you kids are heading in the nature and can't resist to be vain then just pm me and I shall go :))

well thats it for now for the video hopefully I helped/inspired you in some ways :D


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